RCL Systems Blog

RCL Systems has been serving the Bellaire area since 1986, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses

Tip of the Week: The Different Options for Powering Down Windows

While your attention is likely more dedicated to how you use your computer while it’s on, it is just as important to consider the different ways that you can turn your computer off, in a manner of speaking. The varied options present in the Start menu will each have their own effect, so it is important to be aware of what these differences are. Let’s review what each option does so that you’ll be able to use them more appropriately.

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Four Key Components of Successful Network Security

Nowadays, a business’ network security needs to be amongst its top priorities if it is to have any chance of operating without undue risk of data breaches and other incidents. Admittedly, managing this sounds like a Herculean task, but a few relatively simple implementations can help give your security a considerable advantage as you lock down your business’ future. Here, we’ve reviewed four such areas you need to focus on.

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Are You Prepared To Deal With These EOL Events?

Using the most up-to-date versions of your technology’s operating systems is one of the best ways to stay secure. Yet, some organizations forego the jump to more recent operating systems due to the immense up-front expense represented by upgrading multiple servers or workstations at once. Unfortunately, this can be detrimental to your organization’s security, and potentially even put your business’s future at risk.

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Tip of the Week: Bypass the Windows Password Screen By Disabling it Altogether

Before Proceeding: We strongly advise against disabling the Windows Password Screen, under all circumstances. What may seem like an inconvenience that wastes your time, may actually prevent your personal data from falling into the wrong hands. Furthermore, an additional word of caution: this scenario works best for a personal PC that not on a network of any kind, has minimal chance of theft, and only a single user. If you try to enact the following steps on a workstation, you may find that you can’t, due to network settings. When making such major changes regarding the security of your work computer, be sure to first check with your IT administrator. We also don’t recommend doing this t...

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Alert: Newfound Vulnerability Proves Windows to Not Be as Secure as Previously Thought

A vulnerability has been uncovered in all Windows systems - one that’s described as “probably the widest impact in the history of Windows.” Coined BadTunnel, the vulnerability could provide attackers a route directly past the defenses of a system to set up a man-in-the-middle style attack.

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RCL Systems
Houston, Texas